Heads of WCR EDV-Beratung

Robert Walzer, CEO. SAP Senior Consultant.

Christoph Walzer, CTO.
The team of WCR EDV-Beratung
For already 10 years the members of WCR EDV–Beratung GmbH support companies in efficiently designing and mapping their structures and processes.
Our goals are: achieving quantifiable results in a short time, identification of future requirements and taking them into account as well as maximizing the efficiency of the methodical approaches.
The knowledge, experience and implementation competence of our team members guarantee our customers' success.
Our methods are closely oriented towards agile principles, thereby not loosing site of responsibilities and preset goals. The broad spectrum of experiences and approaches of our team members assure a well-balanced view on strategies in planning and development.
We bring together experts from various fields for forging solutions of problems requiring broadest skills. Based on a thorough project management and stringent cost controlling we offer high quality in our services while at the same time adhering to budgets and schedules.
Motivation, commitment and excellent teamwork are stated requirements on our team members.